NCT DREAM JAPAN 2ND SINGLE "Moonlight" is released!The lead song "Moonlight" is a song that says, "I won't waste another moment. Let's make this moment shine. The lead song "Moonlight" is a life-size depiction of NCT DREAM's adolescence with such a thought.
The song is a dance number in the POP genre, with a fresh melody line that beats in your heart, and the bursting guitar sound and drums harmonizing with each other!
Also included on the coupling is "Stupid Cupid," a HIPHOP genre song with a rhythmic track and addictive chorus!
*This product is an 8cm single adapter that can play NCT DREAM Japan 2nd SINGLE "Moonlight" 8cm CD on a CD player.
*This product cannot be used for CD-ROM drives of PCs or slot-in type players.
It cannot be used for car CD players or changer magazine type players.
Please check if your CD player is compatible with the adapter before purchasing.
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