SKY-HI, who has been an avowed fan of the Baki series for a long time, has invited Ryosuke "Dr.R" Sakai as track producer to write the opening theme "Sarracenia" and the ending theme "Salvia" for the "Hanma Baki" anime "The Strongest on Earth". This single is a split single by SKY-HI and BE:FIRST, featuring the opening theme "Sarracenia" and the ending theme BE:FIRST "Salvia".SKY-HI's "Sarracenia," created with Yujiro Hanma as its theme, is an emotional song that is a sophisticated fusion of three elements: a lyric that depicts the idea of Yujiro as a strong man from his perspective, skillful and expressive singing and rapping, and an aggressive track that develops dramatically. The song is a highly emotional fusion of these three elements.
BE:FIRST "Salvia" was created with the theme of Hanma Baki, and is an emotional song that is a highly sophisticated fusion of three elements: a lyric written by SKY-HI from Baki's perspective that expresses his endless yearning for strength; a song and rap by seven different people that expressively depict the feelings contained in the song; and a melancholic but edgy track. The melancholic but edgy track is an emotional song produced by the chemical change of these three elements.
The two songs share the same voice sample, indicating that they share the same blood.
Produced by SKY-HI, the president of the company, and BE:FIRST, an artist born from his genes, the two songs are suitable for the anime "Hanma Baki", the strongest father-son fight on earth.
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