This is the first album by Atarayo, a band that grows up eating sadness. This album includes Atarayo's first original song, whose music video has been viewed more than 30 million times.The album includes "October: Muteki na Kimi wo Forgotten", which has had over 30 million views, "Natsu Kasumi", which was performed on "THE FIRST TAKE" less than a year after the start of their activities, and a new song with an up-tempo sound, "Intersection", which is somewhat fragile and expresses the emotion of "grief" that everyone has through delicate vocals and emotional music. The album includes 11 songs in total, including seven new songs that express the emotion of "sadness" that we all have with our delicate singing voice and emotional band sound. The first pressing of the album will include an acoustic CD with acoustic arranged versions of 8 songs, including 7 songs from the EP "Before Dawn" and a new unreleased song "Kind April Fool's Day". When Atayo released her first original song "October Mutekunai Kimi wo Forgotten" on YouTube, it was a sad and emotive
Her sad and emotional voice, urban atmosphere, and sympathetic worldview of sad lyrics attracted attention mainly from teenagers, and the music video currently has more than 30 million views on Youtube. When they started distributing their music in March 2021, they quickly topped the Spotify, LINE MUSIC, TikTok, and AWA charts, and in less than a year since their launch, they became "THE FIRST
In 2022, they were ranked in the Buzz Rhythm 02 "This is Buzz 2022" and in the Nikkei Entertainment! and "100 New Leading Actors of 2022" by Nikkei Entertainment!
Comment from Hitomi, Vo&Gt.
I had a lot of conflicts in my mind when I made this album "Kyokuya ni oki wa tsukimazu. I felt that the first chapter of Atalayo had ended with the release of "Before Dawn," our first EP as Atalayo. When it came time to show everyone the next chapter, the new things we would be doing as AtaraYo, I thought every day about what kind of music would be appropriate for the second chapter. After a long struggle, I arrived at the answer, "Let's not try to meet someone else's expectations, but let's do what we want to do now. Let's deliver the lyrics and songs that come out honestly, not the lyrics that have been worked over and over again. That's what we thought. So this album is filled with the kind of music we want to do in the future, which is ideal for us right now. We hope that many people will listen to and love this album, which is filled with the possibilities of ATTALAYO.
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