Chevon's long-awaited first album is to be released!Chevon has released a number of albums soon after its formation, and has gained a growing fan base throughout Japan, even though it is located in Hokkaido,
They have been invited to perform at major festivals such as JOIN A LIVE and ARABAKI ROCKFES,
Their first and second anniversary one-man live shows were sold out.
Their second anniversary one-man show sold out PENNY LANE 24.
The band has been receiving a great deal of attention, which is only possible for a band living in Hokkaido.
They have also sold out live shows across the board, and admission to circuit events continues to be restricted,
They are now a band that no one in the indie band world knows.
Chevon has released their first CD for distribution as a full album.
This will be the first CD from such a band that promises to make great strides in the future.
In addition to one new song, the full album will contain 15 songs (planned), which will be a collection of songs called "this is Chevon.
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