DOBERMAN INFINITY's 10th Single "6 -Six-", their first single in about a year, will be released on December 2 (Wed.)!
The title track "6 -Six-" is a song that expresses the importance of friends and a sense of security like a place where one feels at home, different from family, among those who are connected by a strong bond and a feeling that cannot be expressed in words.
It is a nostalgic song that makes one's heart warm with a sense of warmth.
The second song, "SO WHAT," is a song about the "negativity" that exists in the world today, including the silly feelings and the un-humanistic verbal attacks that are so prevalent in this day and age. Kick them to the curb! This is a D.I. style stress-relieving song.
6-Six-" and "SO WHAT" were used as insert songs for Nippon Television's "6 from HiGH&LOW THE WORST"!
The third song is the first song by SWAY and KAZUKI since their formation!
The third song is a combination song of SWAY and KAZUKI, the first song since the formation of DOBERMAN INFINITY!
This is the first time the two of them have completed a special song together.
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