He debuted in 2014 as KAZUKI of DOBERMAN INFINITY and finally started his solo career this year.As the only vocalist, he is in charge of the chorus in many of the group's works.
He loves music and is the only member who can complete a song by himself, from track production to songwriting, and is the core of the group.
After completing an arena tour in 2019 and announcing a 47-prefecture TOUR, Corona swallowed the world in 2020, just when they were about to start, and their activities were forcibly halted.
So, wondering if there was anything he could do, he filmed a "video of me singing" at home alone, distributed it on YouTube, and posted unreleased solo songs on SNS, which had only been performed only in LIVE. Although there had been many people waiting for her solo career in the group activities, the expectations for her solo career rose dramatically during this period.
However, he did not go solo at that time, but concentrated on creating songs while repeating remote meetings in the group, and completed "Lost + Found," a 24-track AL with the largest volume and content ever released in July last year.
With the album in tow, the group went on a nationwide tour that consisted mainly of new songs without relying on their past selves, and this allowed them to mature as a group, and to strongly feel that everyone had gained a solid confidence.
That is why they decided to start solo activities for the sake of the group aiming for the next stage and for their own sake.
In addition to the two songs "WOW" and "ONE DAY" that have already been performed at the LIVE, many new songs are included.
WOW" and "ONE DAY" were re-arranged and re-recorded for this album in order to deliver them in the current Kazuki Hayashi style.
He wrote all the lyrics and composed all the songs on his debut album, which contains everything that makes up Kazuki Hayashi as a person, and it is not just a light-hearted replacement for his business card, but a rich album that is his DNA as it is.
With this album, another great artist is born.
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