Skapara will include "Skapara Koshien" in the best album with video to be released on March 19!The best album "NO BORDER HITS 2025→2001 ~Best of Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra~", which will be released on March 19 by Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra in its 35th anniversary year, will include "35th Anniversary Live Skapara Koshien", which was a great success on November 16, 2024 last year. Anniversary Live Skaparada Koshien," which was a great success last year on November 16, 2024, will be included!
The hot live performance of about 3 hours and 15 minutes with 9 groups of splendid guests including Tamio Okuda, Shinya Ishihara (Saucy Dog), SUPER EIGHT, Masaki Sugata, TAKUMA (10-FEET), aiko, Kazutoshi Sakurai (Mr. Children), Murotsuyoshi, and Sakana-kun, which attracted 40,000 people, is recorded.
In addition to this live video, the "Opening Movie" of Skapara Koshien will be included in the product with video, and the [CD+Blu-ray disc] will also include the "Interview & Making Movie" of Skapara Koshien! The CD+Blu-ray version will also include an "Interview & Making Movie" of Skapara Koshien!
The "Skapara Koshien" live video is also included in this best-of album with 51 songs.
The best album CD contains mainly songs with guest vocalists, the latest collaboration song "Teach me Ouroboros feat. The trilogy includes "Ichinichi Hana feat. imase & Narashino High School Brass Band", "Ano Natsu no Aimai ME feat. The "song trilogy" that shocked the Japanese music scene between 2001 and 2002, "Mekareta Orange feat. Takao Tajima", "Kanarya no Naruku Sora feat. Yusuke Ciba", and "Biyouka Burning Forest feat. The album will be a 3-CD set [CD DISC 1-3], and only the first song will be a "newly recorded song".
Kinichi Mogi (Drums) will be responsible for selecting the songs, and a total of 51 songs will be included in the 3-CD set, as indicated by "NO BORDER HITS 2025 → 2001," which is exactly the theme "NO BORDER" that Skapala has set forth.
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