This is the third of five consecutive monthly releases for April 8, 2013, the 15th anniversary of the company's debut!A classical album fully supervised by Kosuke Yamashita!
A total of 10 songs, including 7 popular representative songs selected by fan club voting and new songs "You & Me", "Song 4 u", and "Missing" released in 2012, are rearranged into authentic classics performed by a live full orchestra!
Composer Kosuke Yamashita, who has composed music for numerous plays, led a group of young arrangers to fully supervise the project! Many of the masterpieces, which can be considered "all-time bests," are revived with profound and delicate arrangements that bring out the original qualities of the songs even more! This is a work that can only be performed live and that more and more people should listen to in this day and age.
The jacket features a new illustration by Uki, an up-and-coming illustrator who has garnered attention from various quarters for his participation in a joint gallery run by artist Takashi Murakami's Kaikai Kiki and Japan's largest illustration SNS "pixiv," as well as for his participation in Google+'s illustration project! The first issue of the album comes with a poster of the jacket illustration!
A masterpiece that spins mainstream pop music and art and should be loved beyond generations, here it is!
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