Following BiSH, EMPiRE, and Mame-Shiba no Horde, ASP will make its major debut on Avex!This single, their first major release, will come in four forms: a limited first-run edition (SG+Blu-ray+photo book), A-, S-, and P-edition (each SG only form).
The title track "Hyper Cracker" was produced and sound-made by Yohji Igarashi, a producer/DJ who has worked on songs for numerous artists including HIYADAM and Daoko, and lyrics and music were written by Pecori of ODD Foot Works. The lyrics and music are written by Pecori of ODD Foot Works.
The song is a number that follows the "Hyperpop" genre that has been gaining momentum and attention in recent years, and its light guitar sound and effective development make it a track that shakes the body.
The lyrics are filled with memories of summer, and the song is filled with a sense of sadness and melancholy as the season comes to an end.
The title of the song also evokes fireworks.
ASP has created a new song that has never been performed before!
Why don't you KiLL me? was composed by Kenta Matsukuma and written by Ryuguji. A Song of Punk 2022" is a re-recorded version of a previously released song sung by the current members.
The members are Yumeka Naukana? s, Na-Mae-Na's, Mog Ryan, Matilda Twins, Wonker Twins, Chitty Chitty Chitty, and Lyontown.
They were unveiled in full masks on the last day of the WACK Joint Audition 2021, a camp-based audition held in March 2021.
They released their first album "ANAL SEX PENiS" in May 2021, followed by "ASP's on FIRE TOUR" and "TOUR STARFUCKERS" tours, and released their first single "the MAN CALLiNG" in September.
In October, the band began a one-man tour titled "MARCH of ROGUES," and at the tour final at LIQUIDROOM in Tokyo, it was announced that the twins Matilda Twins and Wonker Twins would join the band.
In January 2022, they released their second album "PLACEBO" and held their first Zepp one-man show, "ANTi SOCiAL PAiNS" in February.
In April, they released their second single "BOLLOCKS".
From the "ACOUSTiC SAD ORCHESTRA TOUR", ASP's largest-ever tour starting in May, they became a seven-member band with new members Chitty Chitty and Lyontown, who passed the "WACK Joint Audition 2022".
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