Ayumi Hamasaki's 18th original full-length album!This is the first full album in 6 years since "M(A)DE IN JAPAN" released on June 29, 2016, and the long-awaited new album since "TROUBLE" released on August 15, 2018!
The album includes "Ohia no Ki" (2020), which wrote about his feelings for his beloved child and became a topic of conversation with its first Japanese title, "Dreamed a Dream" (2020), which was released without a pause, "23rd Monster" (2021), which declared his belief in himself in high spirits on the 23rd anniversary of his debut, and "Nonfonso" (2021), which was released this year. The album is a super-ambitious work that adds new songs newly written for the album to "Nonfiction" and "Summer Again" released this year and the single "MASK" composed and arranged by Tetsuya Komuro, which was released on November 18, 2011.
With "Nonfiction" and "MASK," ayu breaks new ground in the world of lyrics with a message for all people living today, and now dares to express all of her creativity in the "full album" format.
Since her debut in 1998, she has never stopped her activities, and this is the album she has released to celebrate the 25th anniversary of her debut in April 2023!
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