TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE becomes an adult STYLISH girls' group! New songs incorporating future house with YUSUKE of "BLUE-SWING" as the main arranger, as well as TJO and Hiroshi Matsui! 5th album featuring the new sound of TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE!TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE has begun to move forward into a mature girls' group, and this new album is a new challenge from the sound side as well! The album features new songs and remixes with YUSUKE of "BLUE-SWING" as the main arranger, who has participated in the TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE sound with remixes of their previous singles. Hiroshi Matsui, who has been in charge of most of the main arrangements, will also participate in the remixes! The band will be presenting SWEET & STYLISH from Tokyo, including how to showcase it in live performances! The visual side of the group will be produced in collaboration with NYLON magazine, and will be called an "adult girls group.
The visual side of the group will be produced with NYLON magazine and evolve into an "adult girls group"!
This product is compatible with Smapla Music*.
What is Smapla Music?
This is a CD product with the added functionality of being able to listen to the songs recorded on the CD on your smartphone.
This service is for PCs, smartphones and tablets.
Recommended environment】 Smartphone compatible OS: iOS7 or higher, Android 4.0 or higher PC compatible OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Macintosh OS10.4 or higher
Please refer to the instructions included with the product for details on how to use the service.
Please refer to the instructions included with the product for details on how to use the product.
Customers using smartphones need to install the dedicated player application "Smapla Music (free)".
Communication fees and large packet communication fees may be incurred when downloading the application and content.
We recommend that you use a fixed packet rate service or connect to WiFi when using this service with a smartphone.
Please note that you may be subject to restrictions on communication line usage depending on your carrier's contract.
Please note that you may not be able to retrieve or play content if your smartphone's free space is low.
In such a case, please wait until you have enough free space on your smartphone before enjoying the contents again.
Some devices may not be able to use or play content properly.
This product is for use in Japan only.
This service is valid for two years from the date of release.
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