Ai Higa and Gosuke Iwata star together for the first time!The ultimate love suspense where "love" and "lies" intertwine!
Kaede and Jun are lovers who have been living together for almost a year.
They lead an ordinary but happy life together, but in fact, they have been telling each other a lie.
The lie that Kaede told Jun was that she has no family.
Kaede has a mother who runs a famous hotel group, Blanc Forest.
Kaede hates her ruthless mother Suzuko, who moves everything according to her wishes, and ran away from home three years ago,
She lied even to her beloved Jun, cut herself off from her family, and lived a new life.
However, her lie is revealed to Jun, and their relationship begins to unravel little by little...
When the "lies" that each of them holds and the "truth" hidden in them are revealed,
The two wander into a forest of distrust.
If the person you love has a face you do not know, can you continue to trust and love him or her?
Screenplay : Junpei Yamaoka
Original Idea : Yukari Tatsui
Music: Hideakira Kimura
Theme Song: "What Is Your Secret?" by J SOUL BROTHE III
RS (rhythm zone)
Opening song: "For Love" by Terukane (RISING RECORDS)
Producer: Chinami Tsuji, Koji Yamashita, Shuhei Mita (ABC TV)
Yoshihiko Yamamoto, Michiko Shoji (MMJ)
Direction: Tomohiro Takahashi, Yui Matsuzaki, Ken Higure
Production Cooperation: MMJ
Production Copyright:ABC Television Network, Inc.
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