Souka" is the theme song of a new Saturday drama series on Nippon Television, "Prayer chart: records of an intern doctor's mysterious medical examinations" starring Yuta Tamamori. It is a medium ballad song with an impressive melody that expands magnificently while being sad.The lyrics of the song say that when you are in pain or anxious, you are sometimes saved by a being who thinks of you unconditionally and accepts everything you do. The song strongly expresses her wish to be like that.
The title of the song, "Souka" (meaning "flower in thought" in Japanese), conveys the message that we should always and forever think of the happiness of our loved ones, just as a flower blooms and falls, but the seed that returns to the earth will continue to bloom when the seasons come around again. Please enjoy the lyrics that link to the story of the drama.
The song "Rebirth Stage" (read: Rebirth Stage) is the ending theme song for the TV Tokyo drama Paravi "Married Couple's Perfect Recipe: Won't You Trade? It is an aggressive and toe-tapping HIP HOP song with mainly English lyrics.
The title is a cross between "Rebirth," which means to blow out one's worries and feelings that have not been going one's way, with a wish to be born anew, just like when you blow out a candle on your birthday, and "Reverse," which means to turn things around. The song is a combination of "Rebirth," which means to be born again, and "Reverse," which means to reverse.
Please be sure to check out the new single, which includes two songs with completely different world views and messages, "Souka" and "Rebirth Stage," as well as other gems of music and visual content.
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