>> Ryuichi Sakamoto original album "12" special pageThe first original album in about 6 years since "async" released in 2017.
The album is a collection of 12 songs selected from the musical sketches he created as if he were writing a diary during his ongoing battle with the disease, and compiled into a single album, with the title of each song being the date the song was created.
The artwork was created by artist Lee Ufan, a close friend of Sakamoto's, who made drawings for this album.
Ryuichi Sakamoto comments:
In early March 2021, after a long hospital stay following major surgery, I "came home" to my new temporary home. At the end of March, when I was recovering a little, I suddenly touched a synthesizer. I had no intention of creating anything, I just wanted to bask in the "sound. I felt that it would heal the damage to my body and mind. I had not had the energy to listen to music, let alone produce sound, but from that day onward, I touched the synthesizer or piano keyboard from time to time without thinking, and recorded sketches as if I were writing a diary. From there, I selected 12 sketches that I liked and made an album of them. I dared to present them in their raw form, without applying any treatment. I will continue to keep this kind of "diary" until I run out of energy.
Ryuichi Sakamoto
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