Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, "the world's happiest and toughest date man," entered its 25th anniversary year in 2014.Ska Paradaisu Orchestra, which has been running without stopping since its debut, is now ready to take on a new challenge to see a new landscape that has yet to be seen.
Ska Para, who have established a collaboration style of welcoming guest vocalists in the Japanese music scene, will take on the challenge of a "band collaboration trilogy," the first attempt in the music industry to welcome an entire band in a new style.
The first collaboration with 10-FEET, "Senko", and the second with MONGOL800, "Nagareyuku Sekai no Nakaide", received great acclaim from music fans and band kids alike. The "band collaboration trilogy" has been receiving an extraordinary amount of airplay on FM radio nationwide, and has been a huge hit with music fans and band kids alike.
The "Band Collaboration Trilogy" has been receiving rave reviews from the bands and has exploded onto the airwaves of FM radio stations nationwide. The third band to join the trilogy is ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION (a.k.a. Aztecs).
The two bands have been performing together since their 10th anniversary concert at Yokohama Stadium in September 2013, which was a great success, and Scapara, who are entering their 25th anniversary year but are always in their "prime" at the moment.
This is the third installment in the trilogy of band collaborations, with nine members of Sukapara and four members of Aztecs, the largest number in the trilogy.
The magic of the music performed by the 13 members of Skapara and Aztecan will make the Japanese music scene shine brightly.
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