Ayumi Hamasaki's original album will be released on July 2!This album will be Ayumi Hamasaki's 15th album and will include 10 songs including 8 new unreleased songs and 10 previously unreleased videos!
This album features 10 songs including 8 new unreleased songs and 10 previously unreleased videos! Dutch treasure "Armin van Buuren", a five-time world No. 1 DJ, Dutch artist "Fedde Le Grand", who has been at the forefront of the dance music scene with a string of hits, and the melodic "RedOne", a top producer on the R&B scene. Grand" and "DAISHI DANCE", whose melodious style and uplifting DJ moves captivate all of Asia!
The album features two hit singles released in December, "Feel the love" sound-produced for the first time in the world by "DJ Hello Kitty" and "Merry-go-round" by "m-flo". In addition to the two hit singles released in December, "Feel the love" and "Merry-go-round" by "m-flo", "Hello new me", the theme song for the popular Fuji TV drama "Setsu: Koukou Kara Niban no Koi", which started in April and continues to receive high ratings every week, and "BUDDHA2: Osamu Tezuka's Buddha: An Endless Journey", the theme song for the movie "BUDDHA2", which has been well received. The album also includes "Pray", the well-received theme song for the movie "BUDDHA2: Osamu Tezuka's Buddha - The Endless Journey", for a total of 10 songs. This is truly an original full-length album that fans have been waiting for!
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